In Memory of Bella
10 May 2001 - 31 October 2016
Bella was born early in May, 2001. She was given to Stefanie as a gift and soon became part of the Garrison household. She lived in Connecticut for most of her life until two years ago when I brought her with me to Georgia.
Bella was a great comfort to me through many years of trials and change and brought me a lot of joy. In my absence, other family members stepped in to take care of Bella, and I'm sure she brought them joy too. Their care is very much appreciated.
Bella was the sweetest Persian kitty with soft grey-brown fur, big round green eyes, and a tiny velvet nose. In her prime, despite her undeniable adorableness, she was a ferocious kitty and killed her fair share of mice. Later, when arthritis set in and she wasn't as playful, I thought she looked old, but anybody who saw her said she was such a sweet and pretty kitty and never guessed her age. Indeed, she was small and very much like a fluffy kitten, except when I gave her a bath. Then, she looked like a drowned rat with giant, pleading eyes. Understandably, she never liked baths.
Bella was an indoor cat, but she was adventurous and loved to be outside even if it was just to sit in the sunlight. When I left to go on a run, she would follow a little before returning to the front porch.

Like most cats, Bella was a distraction when I tried to get my work done, often putting my arms in a "cat-lock". With my hands on the keyboard, she would lay on my arms, so all I could do was type. A few times, she perched on my shoulder while I sat in front of the mirror doing my makeup. If she ever came and sat on my lap, there always came the dilemma that every cat owner faces: Do I move her and try to be productive with my day, or do I stay trapped in her irresistibly cute cat powers forever? I won't say how often I chose the latter. Bella sometimes even cat-locked me in prayer. While I knelt, she would climb onto my back and just sit there comfortably so I couldn't get up. Pray on.
Needless to say, I will miss Bella very much, but she lived a full life, over 15 years, and any suffering she endured in this life (I'm looking at you, Felix, and at you, airport security, fleas, and maggots) is now over. From Connecticut aristocat to Georgia belle, Bella never knew how much she meant to me. In fact, as Grace pointed out, Bella probably didn't even know my name, but she knew I took care of her, and that was enough.
Bella passed away peacefully in my arms on October 31st at the Blue Pearl Emergency Clinic not far from our home in Sandy Springs, GA. I thank you all for your concern and care of Bella. RIP Bella.